AEDE official presentation’s document

AEDE official presentation’s document


The European Association of Teachers (AEDE/EAT) was founded in 1956 and has been a member of the European Movement since its inception, bringing together members of the teaching profession who want to contribute to the construction of peace and political union in Europe. It proposes avenues of reflection to deepen the knowledge of European construction in the world of education in order to encourage common European behavior and to promote awareness of the originality and unity of European culture.


Our association emphasizes the need to educate all Europeans and in particular young people by establishing the in the following objectives:

  • To learn to consider their past, present and future in a European perspective;
  • To contribute to the understanding of European history and its cultural diversity;
  • To promote European citizenship through a better understanding of citizenship in democratic life;
  • To raise awareness of the memory, history and common values of each of the European peoples;
  • To highlight in particular objectives of common interest to all peoples such as the promotion of peace, common values and the well-being of citizens;
  • To create conditions conducive to the promotion of social commitment, intercultural dialogue and voluntary work;
  • To fight against all prejudices and hatred against certain categories of the population, foreigners and immigrants; to combat ostracism against minorities, racism, xenophobia; to promote appropriate use of the Web to combat all forms of cyberbullying via the Internet.


The AEDE is present with its national sections in most of the member states of the European Union, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Sweden, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden as well as in some States, that are not part of the European Union: Bosnia, Cape Verde, Moldova, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine, federated within it to achieve the same objectives.


Taking into account the presence of many children from various immigrant backgrounds and concerned about Intercultural Education, the AEDE has also established ongoing relations with teachers' associations in the southern Mediterranean, particularly in Tunisia. In all these countries, AEDE collaborates with the Ministries of Education and Culture.

In order to contribute to the highlighting of an original European culture, the AEDE has participated with the Council of Europe in several projects concerning the teaching of History, Modern Languages and Education for Democratic Citizenship.


The AEDE dedicates an important part of its work to the Education of active and responsible European citizens and has participated in several European projects and collaborated actively as a pedagogical partner in several actions initiated by the European Commission.  


Active in several European countries severely affected by the Covid19 pandemic, the AEDE initiated in May 2020 a reflection on the various modalities of functioning of distance learning, its possibilities and limits and its articulation with face-to-face teaching.



  1. Main European projects in which the AEDE has been part of:

In the field of Education for Citizenship: GEDECITE[1]"From waste management in schools to environmental citizenship",CITEURACT[2], ELICIT[3] and ELICIT plus[4].


In other areas with an educational component:

  • STRESSLESS[5], “ImprovingEducators' Resilience to Stress”
  • Scala TransEurope (Research and promotion of bilingualism in Europe), supported by several  European Embassies.
  • FilmEd[6]:Showing films and other audiovisual content in European Schools"
  • MULTICULTURAL SCHOOLS[7]"Enhancing Cultural and Linguistic Treasure of Europe through Teachers"
  • COMEET plus[8]“Training community actors to foster entrepreneurship education”
  • Project pending validation: AR4STE(A)M"Using gamification and augmented reality strategies for innovative STE(A)M learning"


  1. Main projects in which AEDE participated as an educational partner in actions carried out by the European Commission:
  • With DG-Justice: "Road show European citizenship"; Poster competition on the Rights of the Child, etc.
  • With DG-ECHO: To publicize the humanitarian aid provided by Europe;
  • With DG-ECFIN: For the "PRINCE" program: competition "What does the Euro mean to us?
  • Collaboration with the European Parliament in Strasbourg

Promoting the EUROSCOLA program since its creation in 1989, the AEDE has actively participated from 2016 to 2019 in the meetings of teachers during the sessions at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.


  1. The AEDE at the Council of Europe

The AEDE participates actively in the work of the Conference of NGOs and its various Commissions.    From 2014 to 2018, it led within the European Commission’s response on Democracy and Global Challengesthe working group:"Europe-Mediterranean" , in particular with two main aspects:

  • Real-time information on the reality of migration flows and policies,
  • Collection and dissemination of Civil Society responses to the issue of reception of displaced persons.


Since 2019, member of the "Cellule de veille sur les migrations" and contribution to the reflection on Europe's cultural identity.

  • Project Pestalozzi : “The first European Youth  Festival for Human Rights”

Strasbourg, March 2011

  1. Main works and publications of the AEDE:
  • 1968, the "European Charter for Education" revised in 2002;
  • 1988, contribution to the "Resolution on the European dimension in education";
  • 1989, Nijmegen adoption and publication of "Being a European teacher";
  • 1995, Dublin, contribution to the "Web for school" Forum.
  • The AEDE was consulted by the European Commission for the "Green Paper" and the "White Paper on the Knowledge Society".
  • 2013 adoption and publication of "Being a European teacher today", rewriting and updating of the 1989 publication.


In addition, the important added value of the different national sections in the international projects and internal programs of each country should be highlighted.


The AEDE takes an active part in the training of leaders to achieve and strengthen a European citizenship based on diversity, tolerance and commitment.



[1] Program COMENIUS 87396-CP-1-2000-1-FR-COMENIUS-C31

[2]Programme SOCRATES n° 2001-0928/001-001 SO2 81COMP

[3]ProgrammeCOMENIUS-CM     N° 510624-LLP-1-2010-1-FR-COMENIUS-CMP

[4]ProgrammeERASMUS plus N° 2014-1-FR01-KA200-002362

[5]ProgrammeGRUNDTVIG-GMP N° 510375-LLP-1-2010-1-PT-

[6] SERVICE CONTRACT EAC--‐2013--‐0384

[7] Programme ERASMUS Plus N° 2015-1-PL01-KA201-016963

[8] Programme ERASMUS Plus N° 2015-1-ES01-KA204-016081

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